
Flights Deals

and More

We provide reliable travel services in and out of Canada. We specialize in international travel services, particularly the Middle East region.

Sinbad Travel Inc

What Makes Us Unique

At Sinbad Travel Inc., we have gained the trust of customers and acquired loyal customers. Right from planning to executing the right travel plan for you, we have it all covered for you. We strive to give you the experience and build memories for a lifetime.

We network with all the airlines and travel destinations to find and deliver to you the best deals available, based on your travel dates and destinations.

Leave all of the planning and tough stuff to us. Just get on out there, have fun, and enjoy your trip.

Plan Your Trip

Are you planning your next trip? Where do you want to go next?

We are here to help you plan your upcoming vacation. Feel free to contact us for the latest flight deals. Our team of experts is always ready to assist you!

Contact our travel agent to get started today.

Sinbad Travel Inc

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